We had a wonderful honeymoon in Italy, with Venice, Cinque Terre, and Siena being our favorites.
We flew in from Italy late on October 27th, and spent Sunday the 28th recuperating before returning back to work on Monday. On Sunday the 4th we went to Don and Juanita Chambers' home to open our wedding presents along with Mark's family. People were very generous, and we ended up with a car full of beautiful new things to start out our married life with.
I have since then put all the pictures from the disposable cameras on-line at the Kodak site where you can view and order pictures that you like. (If you don't see some of the pictures you took, it's because many of the pictures didn't turn out since the room was too dark, and the flash didn't always work.) There are also some pictures from my brother's camera at the church before the wedding. The website is http://www.kodakgallery.com/Welcome.jsp and the email address to sign in with is Mark's email (mgregory20@yahoo.com), and the password is our wedding date: 10062007. If you have any questions email Mark.
Thanks to everyone for making our wedding a happy day we will never forget!!!