Andrea Chasse

I met Andrea in my Radiography program at PCC, where we sat next to each other in class and shared the same clinical site at Emanuel Hospital. Andrea was the one who kept me organized and on time for all my assignments, and was my study partner/co-conspirator who helped to keep me sane through all the stress from tests and work. We developed a strong bond during the two years we spent together, and have remained friends since we graduated in 2005 when I stayed on to work at Emanuel, while Andrea went to work at Vancouver Radiologists clinic near to her home in Camas.

We both share a love for home projects, and Andrea is currently very busy taking part in the building of her new home in Washougal with her fiance Paul, and taking care of her sick mother. I'm thankful that she agreed to be a part of my big day, and take time out of her busy life to support me and cheer me on.

Andrea, Brett, and I -- the three Emanual PCC 2005 graduates posing for clinical pictures

Andrea and her fiance Paul in Seattle