Other Miscellaneous Details

*We are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and at Macy's. Our household colors are tan with rust/burgundy and green accents (earth tones), and the master bedroom is blue and tans.
*Mark and I decided that we wanted to take a big trip for our honeymoon since we plan on having children soon, and won't be able to get away again for a while. We chose Italy as the place we wanted to go, and will be spending two and a half weeks there immediately following the wedding.
*Save this website if you would like to see pictures from the wedding. After we get back from our honeymoon, we will use this site to direct people to where they can view candid and professional pictures taken at the wedding.
*Cerise Anderson has graciously offered to sing the first dance for us at the reception. She is a talented singer, and a great friend to me at work.