Terri Woolcott

I met Terri when I went to work at the Freightliner truck plant when I was 26. We worked together on the rough-cab line, and soon became best friends before we were both layed-off in 2000. I owned a house in SE Portland near to Terri's, so we were able to spend a lot of time together and ride bikes, rollerblade, take walks, or just hang-out after work. In February 1999, I was her bridesmaid when she married Greg, and have enjoyed spending time with both of them and being an "auntie" to their boys Bryan and Matthew.

Terri has been a great friend to me through all the ups and downs in my life since we've known each other. I know that she is a friend who will always tell it to me straight, and will always have my best interests at heart. I'm happy that she will be a bridesmaid in my wedding, since I know that she wants this for me almost as much as I do.

Terri as a black widow spider, and me as a black cat at a Halloween party years ago.

Terri at the beach after Libby and I introduced her to gator-riding in the ocean.