Brent Relling

Brent and I met in August of 1974 when my family and I moved into our new house just outside of Veneta, Oregon. Although the area was sparcely populated, I was fortunate enough land a 5 acre field away from a boy exactly my age. Brent and I quickly became friends as did our parents. The result was a childhood in which the two of us were raised like brothers with two different sets of parents. Our parents friendship allowed us to take many fishing and whitewater rafting vacations together over the years.

When I returned to Oregon, Brent and I lived together while he worked for his father and I went to the University of Oregon. During this time, Brent met his future wife, Lisa. I was honored to serve as Best Man at Brent and Lisa's wedding.

Brent as a very young man in front of the family's fireplace

Brent and Lisa on their Wedding Day